Monday, January 17, 2011

Okay, so Dr. Axe sent this great little book for download and I'm going to take his advice to heart. He said to make goals that are achievable and write them down. So here are my goals:

1. Lose 20 pounds by May 1st.

2. Yoga every M and W. Aerobic exercise every T and TH. Saturday is a whatever day.

3. Manage my stress by doing meditation daily and writing in my journal.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Doing well on the 5o things to do this year. So far I have been journaling, eating salad everyday, exercising, I'm going to see a show at the Ryman and have planned a trip to go picking. So, I started this daily writers book and today is my first journal entry. The book suggests to write about something fantastical so here goes.

Some people just never learn, I thought as I placed the magazine back on the table. For the last two years, I've been traveling the world through the use of a recently invented way of traveling--teleporting. It took some time to get use to but it sure beats flying by plane or traveling by train. Basically, you go to the teleportation center where you enter a room filled with small pod-like contraptions. You enter a pod and place a pair of earphones in your ears. The pod is programmed to ask specific questions. You answer the questions and it sets you up for teleportation. In the last 5 months, I have been to over 15 places such as Paris, London, Rome and Athens. The only problem with teleportation is that you can only take what you can carry. So, the luggage has to be on you or in your pocket, no suitcases allowed. All in all it's a great way to go.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My 50 Things Project

Earlier this year, I experienced, for the first time in my life, a mild depression or what some might call a general malaise. I knew I had to do something to get me out of the doldrums especially since this May I will mark my 50th birthday, an often difficult life transition. My goal is to accomplish all the items on my list by year's end. I do have a method for my madness. I plan on completing at least one goal each week. The first goal I am attempting is setting up an online store for antiques that I have been collecting for years. Also, I want to research some specific items to focus my antiquing on that I know are desirable items.

My 50 Things List

50 Things to Do during my 50th year
1. Hike a part of the Appalachian Trail
2. Enter a 5k even if I walk
3. Take a cooking class
4. Take yoga classes to improve my practice
5. Take a meditation class
6. Write 3 things and have them published
7. Volunteer at least once a month
8. Visit 4 or 5 churches to get a feel for what type of worship I would prefer
9. Eat Thai food
10. Eat at Wolfgang Pucks
11. Eat Vegan twice a week (at least) and eat no meat whenever possible
12. Read the Bible everyday
13. Keep a journal
14. Write down something I am grateful for everyday
15. Practice Spanish to improve fluency
16. Learn another language so that I am conversational
17. Study how to start a small organic garden
18. Visit the beach
19. Use less paper
20. Read one classic novel a month
21. Host a dinner party for family and friends
22. Study operas and classical music
23. Go to an opera
24. See the symphony
25. Go to the CMA Festival
26. Take a hot-air balloon ride
27. Learn to ride a segway
28. Go snorkeling
29. Take up photography
30. Fill a sketch pad by the end of the year
31. Canoeing
32. Start a small internet antique store
33. Go picking
34. Eat at fondue restaurant Melting Pot
35. Attend the super bowl pre-game party in Indianapolis
36. Go to Bonnaroo
37. Stop being so bossy and controlling
38. Attend the farmer’s market
39. Attend the medieval festival
40. Attend a Shakespeare play
41. Attend Ryman Auditorium performance
42. Donate books to the library
43. Have a yard sale
44. Be kinder and more thoughtful
45. Practice the guitar
46. Knit something
47. Walk once the weather gets warmer
48. Take a class in painting
49. Eat a salad everyday
50. Get involved in the slow food movement